Culture Points

The Nucleus “Nova Vida” is a philanthropic, non-profit institution that, for 60 years, has been serving children and adolescents in situations of social vulnerability.It currently offers pedagogical, psychological and social care, in addition to meals, coffee and lunch, for more than 90 children aged 6 to 15 years.Through partnerships with public authorities such as the …

Nova Vida Human Appreciation Nucleus Read More »

NINA – Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Narradores e Agentes Culturais (Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Storytellers and Cultural Agents Association) – is formed by a network that includes producers, actors and actresses; playwrights, educators, cultural articulators, storytellers, reading mediators, etc (…) It has been operating since 2008 and is based in the city of Campinas.

The Morro do Querosene Berimbaus Orchestra, made up of capoeiristas, musicians, and people from the community of Vila Pirajuçara, Butantã, São Paulo, is a model of social inclusion and sustainability that values capoeira as a manifestation of Brazilian cultural heritage.

The Ponto de Cultura Ritmos do Coração has been in operation since 2009 with the aim of expanding and qualifying access to the arts and culture for people with disabilities. It seeks to strengthen the sense of belonging, recognition, and appreciation of diversity, encouraging this public to participate in cultural and creative activities, to express …

Rhythms of the Heart Read More »